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Don't Forget Anything with this Triathlon Checklist

Growing up as an athlete, I'm always game for endurance events. It wasn't until Fall 2021 that I came to realize how much I loved triathlons. Mentally, it was exhilarating to think of how much strength and toughness was required for someone to complete three sports in one event. Being a competitive lacrosse player and having ran half marathons helped in the running part, however swimming and cycling were a whole new world for me. After competing in a few triathlons already, here are a few tips for first-time triathletes.

First off, Start Small

While it may be a dream to compete in the Ironman World Championships (which is absolutely on my list), it's important to start with some of the smaller races like a Sprint or Olympic distance. Do your research to find the best race for you. Races will always publish the exact distance (because although you may select a sprint or olympic distance, the specific distances of each leg may be different!) and relevant information on the course. Shoutout to the Pacific Coast Triathlon for creating an actual video of what it's like to go through the course!

Okay... now let's get to the checklist. Note: These are listed through the perspective of Sprint or Olympic distances. For longer distances, stay tuned for another checklist!


  • At least 1 hour before the swim, you'll want to consume 1-4 grams of carbs per kilogram of body weight.

  • Examples of easily digestible breakfasts to eat before a swim include: bananas, bagel with peanut butter, PB&J sandwich.

  • During the cycling leg, you'll want to consume 30-60 grams of carbs per hour and 400-800mg of sodium per hour.

  • During the run of this distance, I would not recommend consuming additional food and focus on hydration.

What to Pack in Your Transition Bag

To-Do List for Race Day

  • Wake up early and eat 3-4 hours before your start time.

  • Eat only foods that you are familiar with and are easily-digestible.

  • Stop drinking fluids 2 hours before your start time.

  • Organize your gear in the order that you will use it at the transition area.

  • Complete warmups before start time.

And that's it for now! The most important to do item is to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - you've come a long way and now it's time to enjoy the destination.




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